Useful for Dairy, sheep and beef cows in the dry period. To supplement magnesium to help prevent subclinical and clinic milk fever.
Can be fed for 8 weeks prior to calving. A cow can take up to 40gs a day of Mg. Over this limit, will only cause scour. Check the Mg in your pre calving mineral. Then supplement accordingly. 10gs/per cow/per day as rule of thumb(with pre calving mineral), along the silage or in the diet feeder will be sufficient. If no pre calving mineral then 30gs/per cow/per day.
sheep- 15gs/ewe/day- use to help prevent milk fever. Also molasses which will provide energy-help with twin lamb disease.
- Excellent- High yielding dairy cows
- High BCS cows
- Older Cows
- Cows with history of milk fever
- Later calving cows
Complementary mineral feeding stuff
- During times of extreme tetany risk, additional oral magnesium supplements may be required.
- To be fed as an aid in the prevention of grass tetany for cattle and sheep